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State Conference Important Information

2024  State Conference Program


Check/Verify Your Registrations!!  Login to the system!  Review!  Double-Check!  If you are not sure of or have a question about the contest you registered a student for, PLEASE CONTACT US!  Let's clarify it NOW, rather than the difficulties, hassles and costs of doing it onsite, which is time-consuming and extensive.  Any contest changes after April 9 will incur a fee of $25 per person.


Resumes - ALL CONTESTANTS are required to have them.  Resumes will be TURNED IN BY HAND to the contest chairperson at the beginning of your contest.  Please note that the directions in the nat'l contest tech standards regarding submitting Resumes online are only for national competition in June.

Exception - Some contests with early electronic notebook or design submissions - please follow the instructions regarding submitting your resumes with your notebooks or designs.  

Penalty points will be assessed for those without a resume.

Middle School contestants are exempt from the Resume Requirement.


Professional Development Testing - There will NOT be an online PD testing for state conference this year.  It will however be required for winners advancing to nationals.


Invoices - If you have not received your school's invoice yet, please let us know immediately.


Drop/Substitution Deadline:  All drops must be made by April 1.  After that date, you will be held financially responsible for every person that you have registered, regardless of whether they attend the state conference or not.  All substitutions must be made by April 9. 

Additions:  Any registrations received after the Registration deadline - in the event that we can accommodate them - will be assessed a $25 late fee per registration. 

Payments:  Payments should be received by April 11.  Remit Payment to:  SkillsUSA North Carolina, PO Box 28064, Raleigh, NC 27611  (Please make sure you use THIS Raleigh NC address, NOT the Leesburg VA address.) 
Credit Card payments (with 4% card processing fee added) can be requested by emailing .  

If state conference registration or past-due payments have not been received in our office prior to April 17, you will need to bring payment(s) with you to registration.  Payments will need to be made at the conference by check or credit/debit card (with 4% card processing fee added) at registration/ check-in (and wait in a long line!).  Copies of “Checks in the Mail” WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.  If your check arrives after the conference, we will refund your credit card charge.


Hotel - If you made reservations but have not received a confirmation yet, email immediately.


Contest Information - Check our Website First!!  Look for your contest in the contest list on our website.  Information identified?  Clickable Link provided?  CHECK THESE OUT!!  If nothing specific is provided, then check out the national contest standards on Absorb (Technical Standards available as a benefit of your professional membership).  Need help accessing Technical Standards on Absorb - call the Customer Care Team at 844-875-4557.


Special Needs / Accommodations - If you have a contestant with special needs requiring assistance / accommodations, please complete this form on our website (5th bullet down, "Other Forms") so the chairperson can be made aware.


Level 1 / Beginner Contests - Make sure to complete the Level 1 / beginner / Core Form  on our website (5th bullet down, "Other Forms") and bring them with the contestant to their contest orientation.


Program / Schedule - We hope to have the State Conference Program available to everyone the week of April 8, outlining and identifying all contest locations, times, orientations, etc.  Watch our website for the link to the program.


Hotel Reservations - I am waiting on a list of our schools' reservations from the hotel.  Once we get that, we will send it out to everyone.


Cell Phones During Contests - ALL contests now have the following information / requirement / prohibition identified in their contests.  PLEASE MAKE NOTE OF THIS WITH YOUR STUDENTS.


Cell phones or other electronic devices not approved by a competition’s national technical committee are NOT allowed in the competition area. Please follow the guidelines in each technical standard for approved exceptions. Technical committee members may also approve exceptions onsite during the SkillsUSA Championships if deemed appropriate. 

Penalties for Prohibited Devices
If a competitor’s electronic device makes noise or if the competitor is seen using it at any time during the competition, an official report will be documented for review by the SkillsUSA Championships director. If confirmed that the competitor used the device in a manner which co
mpromised the integrity of the competition, the competitor’s scores may be canceled.


Secondary Division Delegate Assembly - will immediately follow the Opening Ceremony on Tuesday evening.  Please encourage your student delegates to attend and be part of the process to elect our new slate of SkillsUSA State Officers for the 2024-25 school year!  You are allowed 1 delegate per 12 student members and major fraction thereof.  To see how many delegates your school is allowed, review your submitted student membership and divide by 12.


Medical Form - on our website, Competitions Guidelines page, 5th bullet down OTHER FORMS, the first form MEDICAL FORM - It is suggested that each student gets one of these pages and completes both forms on the page - one for you to keep and one for the student to fold up and put in their name badge holder, in the event of an emergency medical personnel have quick access to the student's information.  That form is also attached here.


Payments - If you have not mailed your check by April 10, BRING IT WITH YOU to the conference and present it at Registration Check-In, or you may pay by Credit Card now (4% card processing fee added.)  All Outstanding Balances for your school must be paid by registration in order for your students to compete.  We will be sending out balance due notices this week.  If you are not the person responsible for making payments at your school, please check with that person!


Wed. Evening Entertainment & Amusement for HS & MS - Rockin' Jump!  7-10pm.  4125 W Gate City Blvd.  Just down the road from the hotel about 1.2 miles.  Name badge required for admission.  We will be providing a shuttle bus for those schools who need transportation.  

All jumpers must have a waiver form signed by a parent or legal guardian in order to jump.  Those waivers can be found Here.  Please share this information with your students and their parents.  SAVE TIME & HASSLE - Complete the waiver prior to state conference!!


VERIFY YOUR REGISTRATIONS!  Do it now!  Login to verify everything is correct.


April 15:

Make Sure to Forward Important Contest Information to Your Student-Contestants.  Over the last several weeks we sent out several specific Contest Important Information emails to students and advisors.  Do not assume that your students received these emails - PLEASE pass this information on to them.  We do not have correct email addresses for all students -- some email addresses were never entered into conference registration by the advisor, some were entered incorrectly, and some are being blocked by school systems.  So PLEASE make sure you are providing your students with the important contest information that has been sent out on behalf of contest chairpeople and others, to help your students prepare for an enjoyable and effective conference.


Students with Contests Requiring Computers - Please check THIS WEEK to ensure that the computer, program and software that you bring is accessible away from school.  This has been an issue in the past for some.  So we strongly encourage you to check & work with your IT Department to ensure your student has access to the programs needed for their competitions in Greensboro.


School Registration Packet Pick-up - The School Registration Packets should be picked up by one advisor from the school and passed to all the students and advisors from that school.  Please tell your students WHO with your school will have their registration materials.  


Outstanding Balances - We will be emailing you early this week with Outstanding Balances your school still has.  Check your spam folder for these emails.

Please do not mail checks this week - BRING THEM with you to registration and present there.  

OR you may pay by credit card (4% card processing fee added) - just ask us for a credit card invoice!!


Official SkillsUSA Dress for North Carolina Conferences:

  • SKILL CONTEST CLOTHING – Official SkillsUSA attire is required for the contest competition, opening ceremony, awards ceremony, and delegate assembly.  NOTE:  White polo shirts, khaki & blue work shirts, scrubs, etc. do not have to have the SkillsUSA logo on them for state competition but should match the official requirements given in the SkillsUSA Technical Standards.  For Medical contests requiring scrubs – any SOLID color scrub is acceptable.  School and/or business logos on clothing must be covered up.

  • LEADERSHIP CONTEST CLOTHING – Either the SkillsUSA red blazer, windbreaker, or black jacket may be worn for leadership contests with accompanying official dress.  If the student does not have one of these jackets, they can simply meet all other clothing requirements without the jacket.  Professional business attire is also acceptable for North Carolina Regional and State competition.  For complete clothing requirement information, refer to contest guidelines in the SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards.

  • Skills Contest Safety Equipment/Clothing -- Safety requirements are specified in the SkillsUSA Championships Technical Standards for each event.  The safety requirements will be strictly enforced by each contest chairperson, especially eye protection and work shoes. 

 *** NO TENNIS SHOES ALLOWED *** for contests requiring safety shoes.

 *Please bring your own safety glasses, hardhat, & gloves if required, unless otherwise notified.



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