Officer Applications
SkillsUSA is a student-led organization. Across the state, we have
student leaders serving at various levels that help guide the direction
of the organization and carry out its mission. Students have the
opportunity to run and serve as student leaders at the local, regional,
state, and national level. Please click on the video to the right and
see the benefits and opportunities of serving as a SkillsUSA officer!
Then see the applications below if you are interested in serving
SkillsUSA North Carolina as a student leader!
Regional Officer (High School)
Regional Officers are elected at the fall State Leadership Workshop at Camp Dixie. Regional Officers will be expected to guide their chapter in achieving minimum Level 1 of the Chapter Excellence Program and make at least 1 school visit for recruitment or other motivational purpose.
Click here to download the Regional Officer Application
Regional Officer Elections
Regional Officers will be elected at the State Leadership Workshop.
All Regional Officer Candidates MUST complete the Regional Officer Application Packet and submit it to the SkillsUSA NC State Office: info@SkillsUSAnc.org no later than the date posted on the State Leadership Workshop webpage. Please read carefully the Requirements and Expectations of a Regional Officer within the packet.
Only Submitted Members at time of registration may run for Regional Office.
Regional Officers for each region will be elected at the Regional Meetings on Monday Evening during the State Leadership Workshop at Camp Dixie.
Regional Officer Candidates should attend this valuable training & leadership workshop in order to better prepare for Regional Officer responsibilities such as recruitment and presenting to and motivating other CTE students to become SkillsUSA Members.
Regional Officer Candidates who are unable to attend the SLW should prepare a candidate video of 30-60 seconds and send it along with the Regional Officer Application packet identified above to the SkillsUSA NC State Office: info@SkillsUSAnc.org no later than the deadline above. Your candidate video will be presented during the Regional Meeting prior to the voting.
State Officer - High School
State officers are elected to serve and represent the entire membership of SkillsUSA North Carolina. They assist the state association in running and managing leadership development events, conferences, competitions and more.
Click here to download the High School State Officer Application 2025-26
State Officer - Postsecondary
State officers are elected to serve and represent the entire membership of SkillsUSA North Carolina. They assist the state association in running and managing leadership development events, conferences, competitions and more.
Click here to download the PostSecondary State Officer Application 2025-26
State Ambassador - Middle School
State officers are elected to serve and represent the entire membership of SkillsUSA North Carolina. They assist the state association in running and managing leadership development events, conferences, competitions and more.
Click here to download the Middle School State Ambassador Application 2025-26
Local Chapter Officer
Chapter officers are essential to a local chapter. They are selected through a the process defined by the local chapter. This is a sample Chapter Officer Contract and Application that local chapters can use as part of their officer selection process. MODIFY this contract to meet your specific needs and guidelines. This is just a sample to get you started.
Click here to download the Sample Chapter Officer Application